children's health

Paris Hilton condemned "cruel" comments people made about the size of her baby's head. But big noggins are fairly common in infants. Here's why.
"After 3 days of being home with kids with the stomach bug, can’t wait to take them to school tomorrow so I can have a relaxing day of 16 back to back zoom meetings and 47 emails."
The little one also appeared to be walking differently to other children their age.
Do you do this when you strap your child into their car seat?
"It would be the first of many diagnoses as we battled a tumour that was supposed to be 'the good kind.'"
The general texture of a baby’s skin should be smooth and soft, but for lots of babies, rashes and dry skin can crop up time and time again.
It can be hard to know if your child has coronavirus or another winter illness.
“If we had not discovered it sooner, the impact on her may have been catastrophic," said Molly's parents.