Rudy Giuliani Just Destroyed Trump's Excuse For Not Releasing Tax Returns

Those IRS audits? They're done, the president's personal attorney revealed.

Donald Trump has been saying since his 2016 campaign that he would love to release his tax returns to the public ― as candidates and presidents do — but he’s being audited by the IRS.

His personal attorney Rudy Giuliani blew that excuse out of the water Sunday when he revealed the audits have been completed.

“All these tax returns have been by and large — maybe not the last one — but all of them have been audited, all of them have either been passed on or settled,” Giuliani told Maria Bartiromo on Fox News.

“There should be some finality in tax returns,” Giuliani added. “We get audited, we make a deal, we pay the government, you don’t come after me forever for that.”

Just days earlier, White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany insisted that ongoing audits were the reason Trump was not releasing any of his tax returns.

“The media’s been asking this question for four years, and for four years, the president has said the same thing: His taxes are under audit, and when they’re no longer under audit, he will release them,” said an annoyed McEnany.

The audit excuse has always been a lie. Nothing prevents anyone from releasing their tax return, even if they’re being audited.

So will Trump release his returns now?

Don’t hold your breath. Giuliani has cooked up a wacky conspiracy theory that “Soros-elected anarchist district attorneys” are out to “undermine the law,” so he won’t let them get Trump’s taxes. He was referring to progressive Jewish billionaire philanthropist George Soros, a frequent target of Trump, the far right and anti-Semites.

Giuliani vowed to “fight them right down to the wire” to keep Trump’s returns secret.

The battle seems already past the wire. The Supreme Court ruled 7-2 on Thursday that Manhattan District Attorney Cy Vance Jr. has the right to subpoena the president’s tax and business records as part of his criminal investigation into Trump misdealings.

Check out Giuliani’s interview, complete with his “anarchist DA” conspiracy theory, in the video below.

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