Symbol for aquarius


Jan 20 - Feb 18The Water BearerAirUranus

Aquarius is the eccentric and humanitarian visionary of the zodiac. They are innovative thinkers who value freedom, independence, and equality. Aquarians are dedicated to making the world a better place throughtheir unique perspectives.




Your financial state may seem a bit too nebulous at the moment. There is a confusing opposition between the Sun in your big money 8th house and Neptune in your grounded 2nd house, which could make it difficult to maintain a proper grip on what you've got to work with. Figures may not seem to add up, or perhaps there is a mistake somewhere and you've been overpaying for a service which you no longer need. Careful inspection can reveal major revelations.

Your Week In Love

Not having your morals aligned with those of your love interest can be frustrating at best, disastrous at worst. This week, ask yourself what you would do if you noticed any such irreconcilable differences. Venus in your 9th House of Beliefs will square Pluto in your hidden 12th house on Sunday. As a result, you might find yourself trying to convince your mate to take on your perspective on an issue, and if they don't, your reaction might be less than gracious. Is it a dealbreaker? Only you can decide. If single, you could meet someone you soon realize doesn't share your basic world views. It's a nonstarter.

Your Next 30 Days

Financial changes could bring some stress your way this month. A New Moon in your resource-heavy 8th house on September 2 wants you to explore such options as investment opportunities or debt resolution. The trouble is that with Saturn opposite this lunation, you may feel like you have no wiggle room at all to improve your financial portfolio. Trying to "pay yourself first" might prove especially challenging under the Lunar Eclipse on September 17. This lunation could lead to significant anxiety about your assets against your expenses. A loss of income isn't impossible, either. No matter how carefully you aim to create more of a balanced budget by the end of the month, getting there won't be smooth sailing.

While your love life may not be a huge focus this month, September 15 will be one lucky day for you in matters of the heart! That's when Venus in Libra makes a gorgeous trine to Jupiter, currently in your romance sector. You'll be reminded that as long as you're willing to try to connect with others, setting off sparks is possible.

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