Symbol for gemini


May 21 - Jun 20The TwinsAirMercury

Gemini is the curious and versatile communicator of the zodiac. Represented by the twins, they possess a dual nature, which makes them adaptable, witty, and social butterflies. Geminis love to learn and are skilled at seeing both sides of any situation.




Time to circulate, Gemini. The Moon is leaping into your 3rd House of Exchanges, where your clever sign is right at home. With you in your element like this, it'll be hard to go wrong. Seize the day and start planning an exciting project or setting up a get-together with friends! Whatever you do, be sure to express yourself with fairness and dignity. This area of your chart encourages buddying up, so don't think you need to handle the day all by yourself.

Your Week In Love

Your mind is filled with possibilities relating to your heart. At the same time, however, you have some cleaning up to do before you can truly benefit from all that positive thinking. Venus is settling into retrograde this week in your 11th House of Friends, Hopes, and Wishes. You're getting ready to dream a different dream when it comes to matters of the heart, and it's sure to be a grand dream indeed. Take your time, though -- keep in mind that you'll have to recalibrate something at some point. It likely has to do with cutting out social connections that are impeding your romantic desires. You'll get there.

Your Next 30 Days

Profound changes are ahead in your social life and career -- and even in your domestic life! It all begins with Venus turning retrograde in your 11th house on March 1. Until March 27, the planet of love will ask you to reconsider the value of your social connections. You might also find yourself rethinking whether to open up romantically to a friend. Then, from March 27 until April 12, Venus will be retrograde in your career sector, allowing you to ponder value in your profession. It's time to ask -- and answer -- any questions regarding your status.

A Lunar Eclipse in your home sector on March 14 could bring an emotionally charged situation with relatives to a crisis point. The good news is that once this happens, you'll know exactly what you're dealing with -- and how to solve any parts within your control. New friendships are on the horizon by the end of the month, thanks to the Solar Eclipse in your friendly 11th house on March 29. Neptune enters the same area of your chart on March 30, signifying a chance for you to connect with immensely creative individuals.

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