Symbol for sagittarius


Nov 22 - Dec 21The ArcherFireJupiter

Sagittarius is the adventurous and optimistic explorer of the zodiac. They have a thirst for knowledge, love to travel, and seek the meaning of life. Sagittarians have a contagious sense of humor and are always up for new experiences.




Someone in your family has good advice for you. They may have gone through something similar to what you're going through now that taught them lessons that they're ready to pass to you. You might even have heard this advice before and felt that it did not apply, so think back on anything you've been told recently. Whether they're actively giving you advice or you're remembering what they told you in the past, put someone's recommendations into action and see how they serve you.

Your Week In Love

Shared resources are highlighted, especially if you're in a relationship. Thanks to a Full Moon in your 8th house on Monday, everything about money matters could come out in the open. This complete transparency should ultimately be a total relief, even if it's tough to handle in the moment. Now that you both know what you're dealing with, you can make more informed decisions together. If you're single, you may want to think twice before allowing a relative to set you up on a date. With Venus and Saturn aligned in your family sector on Saturday, your relative means well, but this person probably isn't your type.

Your Next 30 Days

Your financial roof may have a few leaks! If you're starting the New Year feeling like you can't keep track of your budget, it's time to make repairs. Mars retrogrades into your 8th House of Investments on January 6. The consequences of unwise money decisions are around every corner! It's okay to make mistakes, as long as you're willing to take a stand and make any necessary readjustments to get out of this pickle. You'll get there! Plus, the Full Moon in your 8th house on January 13 might bring an accountant or financial advisor into your life to help sort things out.

Venus and Saturn meet up in your home and family sector on January 18, but it's not a harmonious meeting. If coupled, you may worry that your family is merely tolerating your significant other. It's also possible that you and your sweetheart will encounter some reality checks connected to living together and sharing space.

To cap things off more positively, the vivacious New Moon in your communication sector on January 29 is a great motivating influence. You're being energized to develop things like project pitches, writing endeavors, or local travel plans.

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