Symbol for taurus


Apr 20 - May 20The BullEarthVenus

Taurus is the dependable rock of the zodiac. They are known for their practicality, patience, and unwavering determination. Grounded and reliable,Taurus values comfort and security and cherishes the finer things in life.




What's your first instinct, Taurus? Other voices clamoring around you may have led you to doubt your intuition in the past. Thankfully, at this point, you're more aware of the difference between what you really want and what someone else is projecting onto you. Authority figures or peers might be disappointed that you're not going in the direction that they wanted you to go, but that's for them to figure out. Follow your inner compass to find the future that you're looking for.

Your Week In Love

A flash of insight on Monday could be a game changer when it comes to the way you've been approaching your love life. Venus in your message sector will make a gorgeous link to liberating Uranus in your sign. The thoughts you're having about your love life are NOT run of the mill. Quite the contrary -- you're potentially about to have a light bulb moment that boosts you out of a current relationship rut or, if single, invigorates you to get back in the game. You're ready to try something new. It probably won't be anything too crazy, but it should stimulate your love life in a whole new way.

Your Next 30 Days

You've found your voice, and you fully intend to use it. A New Moon in your message sector on July 5 will support all areas of communication. Whether you have a marketing campaign to launch, a vital decision to make, or a contract to negotiate, you've got this!

As Mars makes an impulsive conjunction to Uranus in your sign on July 15, however, you might become slightly unglued about something. You could be quick to anger and quick to stumble into a careless mistake that you'll later regret. Thankfully, this makes for a potentially ultra-passionate time for you and a lover, so if you direct your energy into the bedroom, it's less likely to cause stress.

Once Mars enters your fiscal 2nd house on July 20, your ambitions can strengthen your earning potential. With Mars in clever Gemini, there's every indication that multiple revenue streams can open up for you -- but along with this, there could be added expenses. You may feel like you're juggling finances for a bit, but don't worry. You're probably a master at it!

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