Virgo is the practical and analytical perfectionist of the zodiac. They possess a keen eye for detail and excel in organizing and problem-solving. Virgos are reliable friends and are always willing to lend a helping hand.
Your Week In Love
Your Next 30 Days
Massive changes are in store for you this month when it comes to shared resources. As Venus turns retrograde on March 1 in your 8th house, it's possible that you and your spouse or partner need to reevaluate what's "yours, mine, and ours." Then, as Mercury retrogrades in the same area of your chart, you might find an accounting error or have to navigate delays in a loan application or financial settlement. Fortunately, the Solar Eclipse in the same area of your chart on March 29 emboldens you to put improved financial protocols into motion. Just remember to keep your eyes wide open with money matters. Neptune moves here on March 30, so if a financial matter seems too good to be true, it probably is!
On March 14, the Lunar Eclipse in your sign brings a powerful transition to your physical self. You might also be ready to wrap up an important personal project. On top of that, you might be sick of constantly picking up the slack in your relationships as Venus retrogrades into your partnership sector on March 27. Will you stay, or will you go?