Symbol for pisces


Feb 19 - Mar 20The FishesWaterNeptune

Pisces is the compassionate and imaginative dreamer of the zodiac. They are highly intuitive, empathetic, and often deeply artistic. Pisceans are known for their emotional depth and ability to connect with others on a profound level.




You can be your most productive self at present. The Moon is springing into your 6th House of Routine, giving you the burst of energy needed to look around your life and get everything sorted to the best of your ability. Don't let anything stop you from things like scheduling an appointment you've been putting off, hopping back on the workout wagon, or tackling your to-do list. You can plow through these tasks once you get cracking! You'll likely be done before you know it.

Your Week In Love

You're ready to make things happen when it comes to your love life! In even more good news, the universe is wholly on your side when it comes to offering you all of the energy and motivation required to create the romantic adventure you dream of having. Mars recently turned direct in your true love sector (February 23), further releasing any cosmic ties that were previously holding you back in matters of the heart. On Saturday, Mars bounces into an optimistic trine to the Sun in your sign, allowing love to finally shine a light on you. Bask in the romantic glory!

Your Next 30 Days

March begins with a heavy focus on finances. Venus will retrograde in your 2nd House of Money from March 1 through March 27, prompting you to make some financial revisions. Mercury also retrogrades here from March 15 until April 7, adding to the intensity of this course correction. No matter whether you have to give up on an income stream or handle an insecurity about monetizing a talent, the Solar Eclipse on March 29 will help you move forward. Neptune's historic entry into your 2nd House of Money Mastery on March 30 marks a great time to consider using your creativity to earn extra cash.

On March 14, a Lunar Eclipse in your partnership sector could bring a monumental turning point in a business or personal relationship. Since this eclipse is opposite Saturn in your sign, you might be serious about letting go of this person, especially if they're not living up to their end of your relationship bargain. As Venus retrogrades into your sign from March 27 until April 12, the lessons in love (for self and others) not only continue -- they can change you from the inside out.

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